Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reminder to self

I am the master of my destiny
I am strong
I am courageous
I have the power to choose
Through my choices
I will create the life that I want
Imagination is my only limit
If I can imagine it
Visualize it
See it
It will be my reality
There is no doubt
No fear
No darkness
No anger
There is love


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Horoscopes: fluff or wisdom?

I'm sure we've all read our horoscope at one point or another. Some of us think they are meaningless fluff, others live by them and most of us are somewhere in between. Mine today was eerily poignant...

Exploring Emotional Whims
Scorpio Daily Horoscope

You may feel impulsive and impatient today, and this could lead you to make careless decisions. You may want to spend some time exploring the source of these feelings and determining if you have emotional needs that are not being met. You can then fulfill these needs in healthy ways instead of impulsively reaching for a superficial substitute. You can also choose to stop yourself whenever you feel like acting impulsively today. Just by stopping for a few moments, going inward, and gathering your thoughts, you can gain a greater understanding of the emotions that are driving your actions. You will then be able to make better decisions that serve your higher needs rather than act hastily.

Developing an awareness and understanding of our impulsive whims encourages a balanced emotional state and gives us greater control over our actions. While it may be human nature to seek a quick fix for our uncomfortable emotions, these solutions are transient at best. If we instead choose to explore the root cause of our emotions, we will be able to resolve them rather than quiet them temporarily. This process helps us to gain a greater understanding of our needs and empowers us with more control over our emotional responses. We then benefit from a lasting sense of inner balance and serenity. Taking the time to explore your emotional whims today will empower you with the ability to meet your needs in healthy ways.

I just had to laugh...even though it's not really funny. Peace on ya, peeps.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Feeling the peace

I'm sitting in the woods at the Tibetan Cultural Center in Bloomington. My friend, Kara, brought me out here with her this morning. She's doing an artists' workshop in the temple. I've been walking the trail that goes around the grounds, but I came upon a tree stump that really seemed like it wanted company, so I sat. I've been sitting here for probably an hour just listening and breathing, and watching the falling leaves rain down around me. The sun is fading in and out as it traverses the passing clouds. A few minutes ago a strong wind came through and created a blizzard of leaves that surrounded was spectacular. I felt honored to be sitting here receiving that gift from the universe, as it cleared my mind and brought me into the present moment. I smiled up at the sky in silent appreciation.

As soon as we drove through the gate this morning, I could feel the energy shift. The peaceful energy of this place is palpable. Yesterday I couldn't sit still and I desperately wanted to climb out of my skin. Today I sit here in comfort. I could sit here for hours and feel as if I'm being enveloped in a warm, caring embrace. I find it very interesting and I felt moved to try to capture the feeling in words.

I think it's time to walk again. I want to see what others gifts are in store for me along this peaceful trail.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Two years

The last couple of days have been tough...who am I kidding?...the last couple of months have been tough. At any rate, the emotional rollercoaster is not a fun ride. I am facing my demons and the 'tainted' parts of my person head on. In my darkest moments I've steamrolled over people I care about and I'm still trying to pick up the pieces. I have to remind myself that I am a giving, loving, kind soul with a lot to offer and I need to let those parts of me shine as I chip away at the negative formations, the habit energy and my ego. It's exhausting and invigorating at the same time, hence to emotional rollercoaster ride.

The Martine Locke live recording took place last night and it was amazing!! I feel extremely blessed and honored to have been a part of it. Not to mention the fact that I had a fantastic time playing. The waiting for the show to start is always a little nerve-racking, but once I sat down and started playing, it was all good and incredibly fun!!! The people who helped make it happen and the people who showed up to be a part of it are all amazing souls and I send my gratefulness to each and every one of them.

Yesterday was also the two-year anniversary of my brother's death and my emotions were even more challenging as the waves of grief crashed into me again and again. Initially I had trouble with that being the date of the recording, but I turned it around in my head (and my heart) and I sent my performance to him as a tribute to the amazing man he was...still is in my mind. I love you, Tyler. I miss you every minute. I am grateful for my life and my lessons...and my growth.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lyrical musings

I found the lyrics to a song I was writing years ago. I don't know if I ever gave it a title. If I went with the chorus, the title would probably be "Shame On You," but I think I wanted to call it "Survival of the Fittest." (This is way too much background for the short snippet I'm posting...)

Sunlight fades to darkness
Night into rebirth
The stillness is moving
An endless hope

I like this grouping of words for some reason. It spoke to me when I read it. The rest of the lyrics seem cliche now. The song is (was...?) about the relationship between humans and the Earth. It starts out describing a balance of give and take, a seemingly symbiotic relationship, and then goes on to talk about how humans got greedy and complacent about our natural resources, etc. In the end the Earth wins. The humans manage to use up everything the Earth had to offer and their species becomes extinct. In the absence if humans, the Earth heals itself and life slowly begins to evolve...again. The remaining question is will the cycle repeat?

I'm not sure why I'm writing about this. I think it's a good concept for a song. Maybe I need to revamp it and bring it life again. I once played it for a mentor and she said she though the lyrics didn't fit the tune. The music needed to be faster and darker to fit the feeling of the lyrics.

I've occasionally pondered it since then and...well, maybe it's time.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


How could I find darkness
In all the brilliant light
How could I have hurt
When all I know is deepest love
There is nothing I won't do
To bring it back
So you feel safe
To make it right
So all is love
The me your love fell upon
Is still in here
Look for me
Wait for me
I'm coming back to you
And the new me
The whole of me
Loves you beyond
My last breath

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Who we are in the world is mostly defined by words. Some that are spoken by us and some that are spoken by others. You've heard the phrase 'actions speak louder than words' but sometimes I think it's really the other way around. Words can hold promise. Words can leave scars. Words can heal. Words can devastate. Words weave the fabric of our being. Choose them wisely and use them with care. The following is from a 'Daily OM' I received and I just wanted to share it. It intertwines two subjects both near and dear: Music and Words.

August 23, 2010
The Music of Language
Words are Energy

If we are unconscious of the power of words, we run the risk of creating a noisy disturbance.

When we speak or write, we use the vehicles of words to carry meaning, as well as energy, from ourselves to another person or group of people. We may be speaking to our baby, our boss, or to an audience of 500 people. We may be writing a love letter, a work-related memo, or an entry in our own diary. Whatever the case, each word we speak or write has a life of its own, a vibratory signature that creates waves in the same way that a note of music creates waves. And like musical notes, our words live in communities of other words and change in relation to the words that surround them. When we are conscious of the energy behind our words, we become capable of making beautiful music in the world. If we are unconscious of the power of words, we run the risk of creating a noisy disturbance.

Some of us know this instinctively, while others come to this understanding slowly. Most of us, though, speak without thinking at least some of the time, blurting out our feelings and thoughts without much regard for the words we choose to express them. When we remind ourselves that our words have an impact on the world at the level of energy, we may find within ourselves the desire to be more aware of our use of language.

A fun way to increase our sensitivity to the power of words is to simply make a list of our favorite words and notice the energy they contain. We can write them down and post them where we can see them, or we can speak them aloud, feeling them reverberate in our bodies and in the air around us. This is like learning to consciously play an instrument that we have been playing unconsciously for most of our lives, and the effect can be startling and delightful. As we grow more comfortable and confident playing the instrument of language, we will begin to compose beautiful messages, creating positive energy every time we write or speak.

Words to live by...

Peace on ya.