Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lyrical musings

I found the lyrics to a song I was writing years ago. I don't know if I ever gave it a title. If I went with the chorus, the title would probably be "Shame On You," but I think I wanted to call it "Survival of the Fittest." (This is way too much background for the short snippet I'm posting...)

Sunlight fades to darkness
Night into rebirth
The stillness is moving
An endless hope

I like this grouping of words for some reason. It spoke to me when I read it. The rest of the lyrics seem cliche now. The song is (was...?) about the relationship between humans and the Earth. It starts out describing a balance of give and take, a seemingly symbiotic relationship, and then goes on to talk about how humans got greedy and complacent about our natural resources, etc. In the end the Earth wins. The humans manage to use up everything the Earth had to offer and their species becomes extinct. In the absence if humans, the Earth heals itself and life slowly begins to evolve...again. The remaining question is will the cycle repeat?

I'm not sure why I'm writing about this. I think it's a good concept for a song. Maybe I need to revamp it and bring it life again. I once played it for a mentor and she said she though the lyrics didn't fit the tune. The music needed to be faster and darker to fit the feeling of the lyrics.

I've occasionally pondered it since then and...well, maybe it's time.

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