Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drums, drums everywhere


So we went shopping at Sam Ash and Guitar Center yesterday, and this was the scene in the drum area of Guitar Center. Quite impressive, I must say. I got a sweet deal on a new 10" splash cymbal and stand, and some new wire brushes. I know the wire brushes are used primarily in Jazz drumming, but I love they way they sound on a hi-hat and snare for folk rock applications. :-) It feels good to be getting my drumming chops back in shape and I am loving playing with Martine. She rocks and writes incredible songs, so I consider it a great honor to back her up. I'll be joining her this weekend for a house concert in San Francisco and I'm really looking forward to it. This will also be our first opportunity to display our MuseKraft jewelry at a show and I know it will be a big hit!

I have my eye on a Cajon next...and a tour bus.


Anonymous said...

...and after the tour bus, a small island in the pacific and...

KCmustang said...

....i see cottages and a resort on the island and a pavilion which you host rockin gigs and retreats